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Tuesday, August 28, 2007 

How To Cure Kidney Stones And Their Pain

Kidney stones are rock type structures that are formed in the kidney. How do you know if you have kidney stones? You'll know by the PAIN! Seriously, if you have more than one of the symptoms below, then you may have one or more kidney stones!

Kidney Stones Symptoms

Flank pain or back pain
Nausea, vomiting
Increased persistent urge to urinate
Blood in the urine
Abdominal pain
Painful urination
Excessive urination at night
Urinary hesitancy
Testicle pain
Groin pain
Abnormal urine color

From first hand experience, I can tell you that one or more of the suggested remedies will help you dissolve the kidney stones and the pain associated with the kidney stones.

1) drink 3 to 4 glasses of cranberry juice per day.

2) eat at least one artichoke per week

3) eat asparagus at least twice per week

4) soak a bandage with garlic and onion juice and apply on the kidneys to relieve the pain

5) boil celery and parsley and after it cools drink the liquid

6) drink at least one glass of lemon juice

7) drink beet juice every day

8) drink lots of water

As you can see from the above, you MUST drink alot! Get rid of kidney stones using one of my proven home remedy.

DO NOT drink fortified orange juice, which I love, with calcium. This can be found very easy. Once you've passed the kidney stone(s), continue to drink lots of water and at least 2 glasses of cranberry juice (this juice is high in sugar so look for organic cranberry juice).

http://remedyguidance.com Finally, I'm going to suggest that you try Kidney Dr. by clicking this URL - http://www.nativeremedies-store.com/ShoppingCart.asp?ProductCode=KID001&img=528&kbid=6550

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