Thursday, September 20, 2007 

Five Ways to Lasting Longer in Bed

Doctors agree that ejaculating earlier than desired is one of most common underestimated sexual problems of male population. This condition is more common than erectile dysfunction as one in four men experience poor control over ejaculation.

The impact of premature ejaculation on men and their partners can be devastating for a relationship. Due earlier ejaculation the pregnancy is organic impossible to achieve unless artificial insemination is used. This situation and lack of sexual satisfaction can generate tension, stress and breaking of relation.

There is no perfect treatment for premature ejaculation. Specialists claim that the problem is more in man's mind, so they propose some techniques to improve the psychological side of sexual process.

1. The process in more important than objective, doctors say. Sex must be a whole experience and man should focus on pleasure in sex rather than the performance.

2. Without expectations men are out of disappointment. Patients must not assign goals, they must see sexual experience as a learning process and discover new things step by step.

3. A quiet mind can avoid fear and anxiety. If man try to concentrate his attention to a complementary activity, like his own breathing, then there is no place for thoughts that might interfere. To create a mutual enjoyment of the sex, men can focus to synchronize his breathing with partner's.

4. Going slow is a way to fully experiencing every moment in sex. Breathing, feeling, foreplay, kissing and intercourse are all parts of the sex act that do not need to be rushed.

5. Let sex flows naturally, there is no shame or blame in it. Man must adjust his picture around sex to reflect only positive aspects.

Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in men issues like lasting longer in bed

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