Thursday, August 23, 2007 

What Are Penis Enlargement Exercises?

Natural penis enlargement exercises are a way to add permanent thickness and length to the penis. It is through these exercises that the penis becomes able to fill with more blood than before.

Natural enlargement exercise programs include a warm up, jelq session plus other exercises, and cool down routine. Penile exercises are an effective way to add permanent growth in a few months of regular practice.

How penis enlargement exercises work

The basic idea behind penis exercises is that your penis is currently limited in size. Your erections can only get so big because your penis can only fill with so much blood.

The penis has 2 large chambers, called the corpora cavernosa, which are made up of a spongy tissue. During an erection, this region of the penis fills with blood. To make erections happen, these tissues soak up the blood flowing into the penis. Exercises train these tissues to let more blood in, and this is what makes bigger erections possible.

Exercise techniques

A workout routine is made up of a basic exercise known as the jelq. It is a slow and rhythmic, light outward pull movement on the penis. Doing such manual exercises opens up more areas of the spongy penis tissue. This will allow the penis to fill with more blood.

There are many variations to the jelq and other exercises in any given program. The best way to move through an exercise program is to start with a short, few minute workout, and work your way to a longer one.

While adding size may be the main reason for starting an exercise program, a valuable technique used in many programs involves exercises targeting the PC muscle. This muscle needs to be toned and kept in shape to improve orgasms and ejaculations.

Exercises compared to other methods

Exercises can lead to more positive effects than that found with the use of weights or pumps. Where weights stretch the penis into a thin hot dog shape, exercises can expand both the girth (thickness) and the length.

The results from pumps can be good but they are only temporary. Some guys found other problems with pumps such as swelling, scarring, and dependence on the pump for any erection at all.

Newer methods of penis enlargement that include an exercise program are not painful and add permanent growth to the size of the penis.

Natural penis enlargement exercises

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